How to Choose Your Jerk Dip & Drive Style - Strength or Elastic
Not sure if you should be doing more of an elastic or strength jerk?
The simplest way to get a sense of what will work better for you is to test 2 types of jump:
First, do a standard countermovement vertical jump—a quick dip and jump.
Then do a jump with a full squat countermovement.
You can measure the actual heights if you want, but really all you need to do is see which feels better and more powerful to you.
If it’s the quick countermovement, you’re likely to do better with more of an elastic jerk;
if it’s the squat, you’re likely to do better with more of a strength jerk.
And remember, it’s a spectrum—you may not be at one extreme or the other.
If you don’t notice a difference, don’t worry about it—just dip and drive in the way that feels strong and powerful and keeps you balanced and connected to the bar.
Again, it’s a spectrum and some of you will be close enough to the middle that neither extreme feels better.