Snatch & Clean: Shoulders Back Not Hips Forward

As we finish the pull, we want to hyperextend the hips by moving the shoulders behind the feet and hips, not by moving the hips in front of the feet and shoulders.
This puts the hip extension power into accelerating the bar upward on top of the driving legs, instead of that extension pushing the bar forward.
Think of the leg drive moving the hips up a vertical line as you lean the upper body back to finish the pull.
Remember that the purpose of the pull is to accelerate the bar UP. Hip power is only valuable if it’s directed into that end.
Any horizontal force on the bar is not only reducing upward acceleration, but creating forward motion of the bar that will either push it away, or force us to fight against it.
And yes, I’m familiar with Karlos Nasar. If you believe his anomalous technique will produce the best results for you, then that’s what you should do.

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