Quicker Elbows In The Clean Turnover

The speed and accuracy of the clean turnover is based on the pivot point of the motion.
We have two basic options: the elbow, or the bar.
When the elbow is the pivot point, the motion effectively becomes a curl. We see this when we tuck the elbows against our sides in the turnover—the bar swings out around the elbow. This increases resistance to the movement of the elbows, slowing the turnover, pulls our balance forward, and increases the likelihood of the bar crashing onto the shoulders.
When the bar is the pivot point, the elbows swing around the bar. By initiating the motion under the bar with a pull up and out of the elbows, we maintain bar-body proximity, accelerate sooner and more, and bring the bar and shoulders together more directly to allow the elbows to then spin quickly around the bar into their final position and create a smooth connection of the bar and body.
Unlike in the snatch, the elbows don’t need to move all the way up before the turnover—we only need a brief initial motion up and out. The continued effort to bring the bar and shoulders together at a single point will then allow the quick whip of the elbows around into the rack position.

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