All Legs All Day
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All Legs All Day

12 weeks   |   $29   |   Web, Text, Excel

This is a cycle emphasizing leg strength, but not neglecting pulling strength or snatch and clean & jerk performance. You'll be squatting every day, but the volume will be relatively low.
Notes: For squats, you will work to a heavy single each day while avoiding misses and tough grinds. Challenge yourself but try to keep reps smooth. After the single, some days you'll have back-off sets. For those without prescribed weights, take the prescribed number of sets to work back as heavy as you can for the prescribed reps - push hard but avoid failed reps.

"Back squat up to 380 from 315, and front squat PR of 320 up from 300." - Travis S.

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Sample Week

Week 1 Day 1 Monday
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  • Back Squat – HS, 3x5, 50%x10x2
  • Jerk Bnk from Split (3 sec hold in split) – 45%x5x4
  • Push Press Bnk – 60%x8x3
  • Back Squat Jump – 20%x5x3
  • Hanging Leg Raise - 3 x max
 All Legs All Day - Week 1 of 12
This is a cycle emphasizing leg strength, but not neglecting pulling strength or snatch and clean & jerk performance. You'll be squatting every day, but the volume will be relatively low.
Volume: Moderate
Intensity: High
For squats, you will work to a heavy single each day while avoiding misses and tough grinds. Challenge yourself but try to keep reps smooth. After the single, some days you'll have back-off sets. For those without prescribed weights, take the prescribed number of sets to work back as heavy as you can for the prescribed reps - push hard but avoid failed reps.

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Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday
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  • Front Squat (no belt) – HS
  • Block Snatch (mid-thigh) – 60%x2, 65%x2, 70%x2x4
  • Snatch Deadlift on Riser – 85%x5, 90%x5, 95%x5
  • Weighted Plank - 3 x 20-30 sec

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Week 1 Day 3 Wednesday
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  • Back Squat – HS, 3x3, 65%x5x2
  • Hang Power Snatch (knee) + Overhead Squat – 60%x2+1, 65x2+1, 70%x2+1x4
  • Hang Power Clean + Power Jerk – 60%x2+1, 65%x2+1, 70%x2+1x4
  • Russian Twist - 3 x 30

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Week 1 Day 4 Thursday
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  • Pause Front Squat (no belt / 5 sec) – HS
  • Block Clean (mid-thigh) – 60%x2, 65%x2, 70%x2x4
  • Clean Deadlift on Riser – 85%x5, 90%x5, 95%x5
  • Back Squat Jump – 20%x5x3
  • Weighted Plank - 3 x 20-30 sec

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Week 1 Day 5 Friday
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  • Back Squat (no belt) – 70%x1

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Week 1 Day 6 Saturday
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  • Front Squat – HS, 3x5, 60%x8x2
  • Segment Snatch (knee) + Overhead Squat – 70%x1+1, 75%x1+1x3, 70%x1+1
  • Segment Clean (knee) + Power Jerk + Jerk – 70%x1+1+1, 75%x1+1+1x3, 70%x1+1+1
  • 1-Legged/1-Arm Contralateral DB RDL (reps/leg) – 3x8
  • Abs of Choice

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Week 1 Day 7 Sunday
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Rest day

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Harry Brink
June 22 2018
If you do a heavy single that surpasses your 1 RM for any of the lifts do you then update the rest of the program based on that heavy single? Thanks
Harry - Yes, you will update the rest of your program to your new max. 

Alyssa Sulay
Hyunho Chae
June 29 2019
what if you dont train with belt?
Huynho - That is perfectly fine if you don't train with a belt. If that is your preference, then that is great.

Alyssa Sulay
William Light
July 19 2019
I know several people who have hurt themselves doing jump squats and I would prefer to avoid that risk if at all possible. Would it be detrimental to remove them outright, or should I substitute them for something else? If so, what? Box jumps?
Box jumps with a full squat.

Greg Everett
Moosa Ibrahim
March 24 2020
Hi, Friday has only one exercise 70% for 1 rep? and one set?
Moosa - Yes, it is pretty much a rest day.

Alyssa Sulay
Oliver Buccicone
May 23 2020
Silly question, but how do I access this in Train Heroic without paying an additional fee?
You don't! You need to purchase it in Train Heroic if you want to use it in that format. Contact us and we'll refund your purchase here on the site so you can purchase it through TH.

Greg Everett
Jeremy Heckerling
June 8 2020
Hey Greg,

Silly question (which I’m sure you’ve answered multiple times elsewhere) but what constitutes a Heavy Single? I always thought of them as more or less maxes. Since there’s a decent amount of volume and intensity, I’m a little concerned with recovery. Does, say, 90-93% count as heavy?

Thanks again.
It's a bit subjective, but generally 1 miss allowed, vs a max usually 3 misses allowed. Heavy is relative - when doing a lot of volume and not a lot of classic lift singles, you're unlikely to hit PR range. You'll even have days when 85% feels like 100% - roll with it and don't push for weights that aren't there. In this time, it's less about the absolute weight and more about the mental and physical fight to lift weights that feel heavy when you're tired and beat up.

Greg Everett
Marco Greenidge
August 21 2020
This may be a silly question. I am going to start this program on Monday. For the first exercise, back squat: How do I know which weight I should be using for the first 4 sets? Do I work up to a heavy single? Should I aim for it to be my 1RM? And for the 3x5 should I aim for a certain percentage of my 1RM?
Explained in the notes of the program - "you will work to a heavy single each day while avoiding misses and tough grinds. Challenge yourself but try to keep reps smooth. After the single, some days you'll have back-off sets. For those without prescribed weights, take the prescribed number of sets to work back as heavy as you can for the prescribed reps - push hard but avoid failed reps."

Greg Everett
Sara Culligan
January 20 2021
Are the power procentage calculated of your power max or full max?

Greg Everett
Hyo Sung Cho
February 22 2021
What should I do if my gym does not have blocks for block cleans?
Do hang instead

Greg Everett
John Chan
March 29 2021
Hey Greg, I am just wondering would it be okay to swap the sessions on Friday and Saturday?
You can but that Saturday workout is going to suffer somewhat.

Greg Everett
Cameron Shockley
August 20 2023
For clarification for day 1 you lead up to a HS, then you do a 3x5 and then you do a 2x10 @50%? What percentage should I perform my 3x5?
Correct. Re %, you have to select the weights by feel - see the note on Day 1.

Greg Everett
Alan Wolf
November 13 2024
When it says "heavy single" for b/fr squat how close to a max (for that day) does it mean?
Alan Wolf
November 13 2024
My apologies. I should have just read through the previous comments, as my question was already answered: "Explained in the notes of the program - "you will work to a heavy single each day while avoiding misses and tough grinds. Challenge yourself but try to keep reps smooth. "