Alyssa's Heavy Single Nightmare
8 weeks | $29 | Web, Text, Excel
This cycle focuses on heavy snatch and clean & jerk singles, but also includes heavy squat singles 1-2 times daily along with back-off rep squats in some sessions. It also uses on-the-minute lifts in the first phase, and then waves after heavy singles in the second phase. This is a nasty program and will take a lot out of you, but will produce some excellent snatch, clean & jerk and squat results if you can handle it.
"Awesome program. Used this as meet prep for Masters Nationals. Went 6/6 with a snatch pr and meet total pr." - Lacey K.
"Front Squat: 145kg => 160kg (+15kg), Back Squat: 167kg => 176kg (+9kg), Snatch: 103kg => 108kg (+5kg), Clean & Jerk: 130kg => 135kg (+5kg), Clean: 133kg => 137kg (+4kg), Jerk: 140kg => 142kg (+2kg), Total: 230kg => 240kg (+10kg). What a fun cycle it was!" - Kamil O.
Good For:
- Max single squat improvement
- Competition lift improvement
- Competition preparation
- Frequent heavy single lifting
- On squats, you'll work to a heavy single, always aiming for PRs, but first trying to beat your last squat session by at least 1kg.
- After heavy single squats, you'll then drop the weight for the following multiple-rep sets, the goal of which will be to work to a maximal effort on the final set and try to beat your all time PR or at least your previous training session with those reps
- OTM - "On The Minute". Each set begins 1 minute after the last - NOT 1 minute rest. Weight changes need to be done within this 1 minute period as well.
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(On on on off on on off)
And is this good progrem for peeking after karas 9 week of heaven which is a volume progrem
Steve Pan
Im just wondering what you think about a program more bulgarian like this in comparison to a more volume based program like the most of the other catalyst program? Which of them do you think would create the most progress and do you think it would change depending on how advanced a lifter you are? I know there is a huge individual component to it but how do you think about it in generall ?
Sincerely Ted
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Thanks so much!
Alyssa Sulay
Alyssa Sulay
Alyssa Sulay
Alyssa Sulay
Alyssa Sulay
Alyssa Sulay
Alyssa Sulay
Alyssa Sulay
Alyssa Sulay
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Asking because there are some differences between them.
Eg. Excel misses pulls on day 1 or web/text includes HS based %, where excel uses 1RM.
Alyssa Sulay
Alyssa Sulay
Alyssa Sulay
Greg Everett
Weight: 85.5kg => 85.7kg (the same at the end and +/- 2kg throughout the cycle)
Front Squat: 145kg => 160kg (+15kg)
Back Squat: 167kg => 176kg (+9kg)
Snatch: 103kg => 108kg (+5kg)
Clean & Jerk: 130kg => 135kg (+5kg)
Clean: 133kg => 137kg (+4kg)
Jerk: 140kg => 142kg (+2kg)
Total: 230kg => 240kg (+10kg)
What a fun cycle it was! The first 5 weeks were great, but starting week 6... damn, I just wanted to get it done and go home. It was grueling, especially double-squat days. But hell it was worth it! I have so much better technique at higher intensity now. I was able to hit 90% on any lift almost every single day and even 95% for front squats, which was my weakest point. I'm now much more confident when I approach the bar, because I know I lifted given weight tens if not hundreds of times.
Alyssa Sulay
Greg Everett
Greg Everett