Jessica's Complex & Competition
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Jessica's Complex & Competition

12 weeks   |   $29   |   Web, Text, Excel

This is a 12-week program with a lot of complexes in the first 8 weeks, and a competition taper in the last 4 weeks. Pulling strength is emphasized, but squat strength and overhead strength are not forgotten. The volume is high, so be prepared before you start it.

"Yesterday, I got an all time PR of 285# on clean and jerk and an all time PR of 230# on snatch. I am extremely satisfied with the results and I cannot wait to get started on a new program!" - Nick S.

Good For:
  • Volume accumulation
  • Pulling strength
  • The percentages that follow an RM are of that day's RM. For example, 5RM; 95%x5, 90%x5 means that you work up to a 5RM, then do 95% of that for 5 reps, and then 90% of it for 5 reps.
  • Rep prescriptions like 3+1 provide the rep count for each exercise in the complex in order. For example, Segment Clean (knee) + Jerk Drive + Jerk - (1+3+1)RM means that for each set, you will perform 1 segment clean, then 3 jerk drives, then 1 jerk.

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Sample Week

Week 1 Day 1 Monday
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  • Clean + Front Squat + Jerk - 75% x (1+1+1) x 5
  • Snatch Deadlift + High-Hang Snatch + Snatch - 70% x (1+1+1) x 5
  • Clean Segment Pull (mid-thigh) - 100%x3x5
  • Back Squat - 75%x6, 80%x1,  75%x6, 83%x1, 75%x6, 85%x1
Week 1 of 12

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Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday
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  • Snatch Deadlift + Snatch - 70% x (2+1) x 5
  • Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Jerk - 80% x (1+1+1) x 5
  • OHS - 80%x2x5
  • Snatch Push Press - 70%x5x5
3 sets; no rest:
15 KB Swings
15 V-Ups

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Week 1 Day 3 Wednesday
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  • Snatch - 75%x2x5
  • Clean Deadlift + High-Hang Clean + Clean - 70% x (1+1+1) x 5
  • Snatch Segment Pull (mid-thigh) - 100%x3x5
  • Front Squat - 75%x3, 80%x1, 75%x3, 83%x1, 75%x3, 85%x1
  • Muscle Snatch - 5x3 (medium weight)

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Week 1 Day 4 Thursday
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  • Front Squat + Jerk - 80% x (2+1) x 5
  • Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch - 70% x (1+1) x 5
  • Power Clean - 75%x2x5
  • Jumping Squat - 80% (of back squat) x 3 x 5
3 sets; no rest:
12 DB Press
12 DB Bent Row

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Week 1 Day 5 Friday
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Rest Day

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Week 1 Day 6 Saturday
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  • Snatch - 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x1, 85%x1, HS; 80%x2x3 (% of HS)
  • Clean & Jerk - 70% x (2+1), 75% x (2+1), 80%x1, 85%x1, HS; 80% x (2+1) x 3 (% of HS)
  • Back Squat - 78%x4, 83%x1, 78%x4, 86%x1, 78%x4, 88%x1
  • Push Press - 70%x5x5

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Week 1 Day 7 Sunday
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Rest Day

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October 2 2015
Made small PR increases in Jerk, OHS, Front and backsquat. But I only lasted 10 weeks. By the end of week ten I had pain in knees, hips, ankles, shoulders, elbows, wrists and neck. On the last day I managed about 90% of my PR in the lifts.
Laura C
October 13 2015
Just wondering if the rule above about RM applies to HS?
For example: Snatch - HS; 70%x2x3. Does that mean we work up to a heavy single then apply that rep scheme and percentage to whatever we worked up to that day?
That is correct. Work to a heavy single, then 3 sets of 2 reps at 70% of whatever you make in the heavy single.

Steve Pan
JaJarr Teerawanitsan
October 25 2015
When it is Clean + Front Squat + Jerk - 3RM, does it mean (1+1+1)x3reps or just 1+1+1?
Thank you
1 of each exercise for 3 total reps per set

Greg Everett
Antoine Rastwon Bonner
October 11 2015
When going for 3rm. Do you have to keep grip of bar or can you drop between reps.
Try to keep your grip but drop if needed

Greg Everett
Lauren Evans
September 11 2015
How long should we hold the halting dl?
3 seconds

Greg Everett
Audrey Null
September 23 2015
Front Squat 3x5, 3 reps five times, or 5 reps three times?
Read this!

Greg Everett
Ze Gregorio
September 20 2015
just pr'd my snatch yesterday 5 kilo pr! super stoked
Vojt?ch Birka
May 11 2015
Hi, I have one question. During this strength program are changing numbers for 1RM for each exercise or the are staying constant during 12weeks for calculation percentages. Thx for answer
They stay the same unless you PR during the cycle, in which case update that PR to calculate your %s going forward.

Greg Everett
Nick Shironaka
November 8 2015
I just finished the program yesterday. First I want to thank you for providing such an excellence resource to us. Going into this program, I was coming off of several injury problems and my PRs went way down. I entered only able to clean and jerk 235# and snatch 170# on my best day. Yesterday, I got an all time PR of 285# on clean and jerk and an all time PR of 230# on snatch. I am extremely satisfied with the results and I cannot wait to get started on a new program!
Arnell Panetta
November 24 2015
Jumping Squat @ 80% of back squat? Is this correct?
This is correct.

Steve Pan
Adam Leong
December 28 2015
When it says 3rm clean- frntsqt-jerk do I find a 3rm or work up to ?
Work up to the best set you can do for that complex.

Steve Pan
Matt Faller
March 17 2016
For HS with following reps at % of HS, should you take one go at the HS or treat it like a RM and make multiple attempts?
Up to 3 attempts at a HS. Try to aim not to miss on earlier weeks and go to what you know you will make for sure, you will then aim the next week's HS toward beating the previous ones if you are feeling good. The point of HS is that you can play it by ear, if you feel good go up, if you feel terrible then just go to a good heavy one for the day and leave some room to recover for the next session.

Steve Pan
Jordan Sheppard
June 10 2016
what am i supposed to base the percentages off of for the power clean, front squat, powerjerk
Base the percentages off the Power Clean

Alyssa Sulay
Fahad Alourifi
June 28 2016
what lift do i base my front squat + Jerk off of?
You would base this off your Jerk. 

Alyssa Sulay
Nick Bandini
September 1 2016
have no way of doing jump squats lack of jerk blocks, is there any substitution?
You can reduce weight and do jumping quarter squats, or back squat jumps.

Greg Everett
Andria Townsend
August 20 2020
I really enjoyed this program and saw some great results - added 5.5kg to my snatch, 1kg to my C&J, and 3kg to my front squat! This is definitely the best and most fun weightlifting program I have followed, really I can’t say enough good things about it.
Kenneth Miller
December 20 2021
Jumping Squats-- 80% of 1RM Back Squat? Full depth Back Squat into a jump?
No - it's a concentric-only jump from quarter squat depth off blocks or rack. Here in exercise library.

Greg Everett