Jessica's Complex & Competition
12 weeks | $29 | Web, Text, Excel
This is a 12-week program with a lot of complexes in the first 8 weeks, and a competition taper in the last 4 weeks. Pulling strength is emphasized, but squat strength and overhead strength are not forgotten. The volume is high, so be prepared before you start it.
"Yesterday, I got an all time PR of 285# on clean and jerk and an all time PR of 230# on snatch. I am extremely satisfied with the results and I cannot wait to get started on a new program!" - Nick S.
Good For:
- Volume accumulation
- Pulling strength
- The percentages that follow an RM are of that day's RM. For example, 5RM; 95%x5, 90%x5 means that you work up to a 5RM, then do 95% of that for 5 reps, and then 90% of it for 5 reps.
- Rep prescriptions like 3+1 provide the rep count for each exercise in the complex in order. For example, Segment Clean (knee) + Jerk Drive + Jerk - (1+3+1)RM means that for each set, you will perform 1 segment clean, then 3 jerk drives, then 1 jerk.
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For example: Snatch - HS; 70%x2x3. Does that mean we work up to a heavy single then apply that rep scheme and percentage to whatever we worked up to that day?
Steve Pan
Thank you
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
Alyssa Sulay
Alyssa Sulay
Greg Everett
Greg Everett