5-Week Front Squat Emphasis Cycle
5 weeks | $25 | Web, Text, Excel
This is a preparatory cycle that emphasizes front squat strength and tests for a max front squat on the last Saturday.
"Front squat went from 305lbs to 350lbs! Clean went from a lucky (3rd attempt) 275 to solid (1st attempt) 285 and Snatch from 185 to 210! I also went from never jerking to a 247lb Jerk."
"My front squat went up from an iffy 300 lbs with questionable depth to a smooth, deep 325 lbs. My Snatch made a similar improvement of 20 lbs, and my clean and jerk improved by 20 lbs. I feel much more explosive, my box jump has improved by 3 inches and my speed under the bar has increased dramatically."
"97kg to 120kg front squat! Thanks CA."
"FS went from 138 to 147. Snatch from 105 to 107. Clean from 129 to 134. And jerk from 127 to 129 Kg."
"Front squat went from 305lbs to 350lbs! Clean went from a lucky (3rd attempt) 275 to solid (1st attempt) 285 and Snatch from 185 to 210!"
"Improved my Front Squat from 137.5 to 145kg (+7.5kg), while dropping almost 7kg of fat and hitting 100% of my 1RMs on Snatch and C&J in the process." Kamil O.
"Front squat went from 115kg to 125kg, snatch 88kg to 90kg, C&J 106kg to 110kg (was able to power clean it in a competition...)." Jaques B.
"Front squat max went from 255# to 285#. Snatch from 160# to 185# and C&J from 215# to 235#." - Ryan S.
"Put 25lbs on my FS in the 5 weeks! My snatch went up 23lbs, and my clean & jerk went up 30lbs on this program." - Sam C.
"FS up from 245lbs to 275lbs. Clean and Jerk up 10lbs to 250lbs and Snatch from a lucky 200lbs to a pretty consistent 205lbs." Garret F.
"Previous PB front squat was 140kg double. Post cycle 1RM front squat 155kg. Achieved a 10kg improvement in my back squat." - Mark S.
"This program restored my previous numbers (plus a kilo on FS) after dropping a weight class and losing strength, and gave me my first 300# front squat!"
"My snatch went from a lucky 240 to a solid 250 (I hit it two weeks in a row and just barely missed 260); a 300 clean and jerk to a 320 clean and jerk; my back squat went from 380 to 405; and my most dramatic increase was my front squat. At te beginning of the cycle it was at 320 I prd once at 335 3 weeks into the cycle, then today I hit a solid 380! 45 pound PR in two weeks and 60 pound in 5. Thanks a lot for the programming."
Volume: Moderate
Intensity: Moderate
Good For:
- Leg strength (especially front squat specifically)
- This program is intended to improve and test the squat. It does NOT finish with a snatch and clean & jerk peak, although you will still get plenty of snatch and CJ work and many people do improve significantly in these lifts as well as the squat.
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Greg Everett
I am excited to start this cycle tomorrow but have a few question. Nothing about the programming, but as someone that also does crossfit. Is it still okay to do a WOD with the strength? Or would that not help?
Steve Pan
Greg Everett
Are the pullups in the conditioning sessions strict or kipping? :)
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
Started this programme a week ago and really enjoying it. My question is this:
What would you recommend I do if I can only train Monday to Friday? I'm just trying to figure out how to get my rest days before and after the heavy days without modifying the programme too much.
Thanks in advance
Steve Pan
Also, could you recommend some percentages if I was to keep the Thursday sessions light?
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
As part of the conditioning workout j saw 'jump rope'. Just confirming if that means double unders. As if now I'm unable to string about 13-15 alternate DUs. So for a 3-min jump rope set, do I just keep going for max reps even if I can't do more than say 15 in one go?
Thanks once again!
Steve Pan
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
For some reasons i cant' training on thursdays. Is possible to change friday for thursday ? (rest on thursday and training on friday)
Greg Everett
Start of cycle competition totals FEB-14 SN: 95 (missed 100) and C&J: 127 [grinding out the clean]. End of cycle competition totals APR-14 SN: 101 and C&J: 127 [easy clean] (six out of six).
Previous PB front squat was 140kg double. Post cycle 1RM front squat 155kg.
Thanks Greg.
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Steve Pan
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
Great program! Snatch went from 88kg to 90kg, C&J from 106kg to 110kg (was able to power clean it in a competition...), front squat from 115kg to 125kg.
Alyssa Sulay
I have a competition on thursday week 4, is there a good way to work it into the program?
Alyssa Sulay
Greg Everett