6 Week Back Squat Emphasis Prep Cycle
6 weeks | $20 | Web, Text, Excel
This is a 6-week preparatory cycle that emphasizes back squat improvement and tests a max back squat on week 6. This program is intended to improve and test the squat. It does NOT finish with a snatch and clean & jerk peak, although you will still get plenty of snatch and CJ work and many people do improve significantly in these lifts as well as the squat.
Good For:
- Leg strength (especially back squat specifically)
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Steve Pan
Is it too much for me to add a heavy rack pull or front rack hold on Saturdays?
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Catalyst Athletics
65% ×2+1 × 3, 70% × 2+1 × 2” What would the percentage be based off?
Catalyst Athletics
Catalyst Athletics
Yes, assuming it is still run in the same order it is written in for best results. As always, these are the best guidelines to follow when modifying a program: https://www.catalystathletics.com/article/116/Modifying-Weightlifting-Training-Programs/
Catalyst Athletics