Block & Pull Cycle
6 weeks | $20 | Web, Text, Excel
This is a 6-week cycle that uses a lot of lifting off the blocks and has an emphasis on pulling strength and power.
Good For:
- Beginning to intermediate lifters
- Lifters needing a lot of exposure to classic lifts
- You will need blocks for this cycle that can be adjusted to place the bar at mid-thigh and just below your knee.
- The notation "2+1" means you will do 2 reps of the first exercise and 1 rep of the second in each set (for a total of 3 reps in that set). For example, "Push Press + Jerk - 65% x 2 +1" means 2 push presses, then 1 jerk in each set.
- The notation "75% x 2(1+1)" means you will do 1 rep of the first exercise, then 1 rep of the next, and repeat that one more time. For example, "Clean pull + Clean - 75% x 2(1+1)" means you will do 1 clean pull, 1 clean, 1 clean pull, 1 clean in each set.
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