Exercise Library
Library  >  Accessory - Upper Body  >  Single-Arm Ring Row
Single-Arm Ring Row
AKA Single-arm Body row

Grip a ring or similar hanging from a pull-up bar with one arm. Keeping your body rigidly extended straight and squared off forward, lean back from the rings to arm’s length, and then pull your body up as far as possible, squeezing the shoulder blade back and down, then lower under control.
The higher the rings and more upright the body, the easier the movement.
The ring row is essentially the horizontal pulling equivalent to a modified pull-up—it can be used for high rep training for the back and arms and as an adjustable progression to more challenging rowing work, such as a fully horizontal inverted row. Using rings allows the arms and shoulders to move more freely to accommodate orthopedic issues or limitations, and improves side to side strength symmetry. Training a single arm at a time helps develop and preserve symmetry side to side.
Generally sets of 5-20 reps are appropriate.