Single-Arm Pulldown
Hold a cable attachment overhead with a single hand. Keeping the trunk braced and back in its neutral position, pull the handle to the shoulder, pulling the shoulder blade down and back forcefully, then return to the extended position under control.
The lat pulldown builds most of the back and pulling musculature such as the lats, traps, posterior delts, biceps and forearms. The single arm variation allows development or maintenance of symmetry. The hand position can also be changed during the motion, e.g. from pronated to supinated.
Generally sets of 5-15 are appropriate.
The single-arm pulldown can be done with a pronated, neutral or supinated grip, or with the grip changed during the motion, and with varying degrees of backward lean. Pulldowns can also be done with a band, although the resistance curve is backward, ie resistance is greatest as the movement is at its weakest point.