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Library  >  Accessory - Upper Body  >  Reverse-Grip Lat Pulldown
Reverse-Grip Lat Pulldown
AKA Supinated pulldown, underhand pulldown

Hold a cable bar attachment overhead with the palms facing back. Keeping the trunk braced and back in its neutral position, pull the bar to the collarbones, squeezing the shoulder blades down and back, then return to the extended position under control.
The pulldown builds most of the back and pulling musculature such as the lats, traps, posterior delts, biceps and forearms. It can be a substitute for chin-ups for athletes who either aren’t capable of them, or not capable of doing the rep numbers desired. It can also be used in addition to pull-ups for more volume training, or to allow many variations in grip, position and motion that are either impossible or too difficult to replicate with a pull-up. The supinated grip places more emphasis on the biceps than a pronated grip.
Generally sets of 5-15 are appropriate.
The supinated pulldown can be done with any grip width, with one arm, and with varying degrees of backward lean. Pulldowns can also be done with a band, although the resistance curve is backward, ie resistance is greatest as the movement is at its weakest point.