Pendlay Row
AKA Floor Row
The Pendlay row is a variation of the bent row named for the late Glenn Pendlay that includes flexion and extension of the upper back.
Hold the bar with a clean-width grip, brace your trunk in the same position you would when pulling from the floor, and hinge forward at the hips while bending the knees to bring your trunk just above horizontal, letting the bar hang at arms’ length close to the legs. Let the upper back soften to lower the bar until it just touches the floor.
Extend the upper back as you pull the bar to the abdomen, squeezing your shoulder blades back together at the top of each rep. Lower again to the floor between reps.
The Pendlay row can be performed strictly with a controlled tempo, or with a little body English to put some speed on the bar and then reach the trunk into the bar at the top of the row.
The bent row is a basic back strength exercise that helps develop the upper and middle back, along with the shoulders and arms. The Pendlay variation includes more direct upper back extension strength work, and reduces the work for the lower back. It can serve to help develop postural strength, shoulder stability, back arch strength, upper back arch strength in particular, and strength to keep the bar close to the body in the pulls of the snatch and clean. It also serves a basic protective function for the shoulders and elbows by helping to balance strength development around the joints.
Sets of 5-15 reps are usually appropriate to suit the desired loading in a given session.
The Pendlay row can be done with a snatch grip, with hands supinated (palms facing forward), and with different trunk angles.