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Library  >  Accessory - Upper Body  >  FLE Dumbbell Curl & Press
FLE Dumbbell Curl & Press

Stand with a dumbbell in each hand at arm’s length with the palms facing forward, and lift one knee to balance on the other leg. Use a bench or box to help stabilize if needed. Curl the weights up in front of yourself, allowing the palms to rotate somewhat toward the middle. Once at shoulder height, press the dumbbells into a strong overhead position, then lower under control to the starting position.
The dumbbell curl & press is a simple way to address multiple aspects of arm and shoulder strengthening, and to strengthen the elbow. Performing it on a single leg is an easy way to include hip stability and balance work to an otherwise single dimension accessory exercise.
Generally sets of 8-15 reps are appropriate.
The curl can be performed in any style, e.g. supinating, hammer, single-arm, etc., and the press can be done conventionally, as an Arnold press, or with neutral hands.