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Band Scapular Protraction

The band scapular protraction is a simple shoulder prep exercise to improve scapular control and stability, and aid in mobility for the clean and jerk rack positions.
Grip the ends of a band that’s wrapped around your upper back and hold your hands in front of yourself with straight arms at shoulder level.
Push the shoulders forward as far as possible without rounding your back to reach the hands and stretch the band. Keep the shoulder blades down instead of allowing them to shrug up.
Retract the shoulders completely and repeat.
The band pull apart is a simple shoulder prep exercise to improve scapular control and stability, and aid in mobility for the clean and jerk rack positions.
This is a good preparatory exercise for use in a warm-up. 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps are appropriate.
A slow tempo can be used, and a pause in the front position added.