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Single-Leg Glute Bridge Hold

The single-leg glute bridge hold is a simple but effective glute and hip stability exercise.
Lie on your back and bend one knee to place that foot flat on the floor where the shin will be approximately vertical at the top of the movement. To increase range of motion and difficulty, elevate the upper back on a bench or similar.
Keeping the other leg straight and your abs tight, push through the floor with the whole foot but a preference for the heel and extend your hip maximally, bringing the straight leg up alongside the thigh of the bent leg and keeping the hips squared off facing the ceiling. Consciously focus on active glute contraction and tight abs to ensure the motion is at the hip and not excessive lumbar extension.
Hold the top position for 5-30 seconds.
The single-leg glute bridge hold helps develop glute strength and control, and develops better stability in the hips and trunk by training better proprioception and control, and can help reduce excessive hip flexor tightness.
The single-leg glute bridge hold can be done with added resistance using a bar, dumbbell, kettlebell or plate over the hips/abs, or with a band.
The single-leg glute bridge hold can be used in training preparation to get the glutes activated without excessive fatigue with 2-4 sets of 5-15 seconds, or post-workout with resistance for sets of 10-30 seconds if appropriate.