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Russian Step-Up

The Russian step-up is a variation in which the inactive leg is lifted at the top of the motion to increase the stability demand on the working hip and add hip flexor work for the non-working side.
Place one foot on a box or bench with the other on the floor. Using the raised leg with minimal assistance from the other foot or momentum from leaning the body forward, push through the whole foot to lift yourself up to a straight-leg position, then with a continuous motion, lift the other knee to maximal height while remaining stable.
Emphasis can be changed with foot placement and starting position—the foot closer and knee farther forward will emphasize the quads more; the foot farther forward and shin vertical will emphasize the glutes and hamstrings more.
The Russian step-up provides unilateral leg strength for better symmetry and hip stability. Unlike most unilateral and bilateral leg exercises, it begins with the concentric motion in a mechanically difficult position—this makes it better for developing strength in the weakest position of the motion, helping with the sticking point of squats, and developing force more quickly. The lifting of the back knee takes advantage of the opportunity to increase the hip stability component on the working side, and to train hip flexion on the non-working side. This also increases the balance effort necessary.
The Russian step-up can be loaded in a number of ways: barbell on the back, clean rack or Zercher position, one or two dumbbells or kettlebells on the shoulder(s) or hanging in the arm(s), barbell or dumbbell(s) overhead, or sandbag(s) on the back or shoulder(s)..
Slow eccentrics can be used, legs can be repeated or alternated, a pause at the top with the knee elevated can be used, and they can be done without allowing the down foot to touch the floor. The step-up can also be done from the side of the box as a lateral step-up.
The Russian step-up can be a primary leg strength exercise for an athlete who’s experienced and strong enough to use it as such and does not do bilateral squats for any reason, an accessory exercise for improved strength balance and hip stability, or as a rehab exercise (often using assisted slow eccentrics); it’s less effective as a hypertrophy exercise than lunge and split squat variations because of the relative lack of eccentric loading. As a strength exercise with heavier loading, reps from 3-6 can be used; for an accessory or rehab exercise with limited or no weight, reps from 8-15 can be used. Perform the exercise near the end of a workout after more basic leg strength work like squats.