Exercise Library
Library  >  Trunk (Ab & Back)  >  QL Side Bend
QL Side Bend

Stand with the feet much wider than shoulder width and hold a barbell, PVC pipe or dowel on your back like a back squat but with a wider grip.
Bend the trunk slowly to one side to bring the end of the bar toward the floor, then change directions and bend to the other side.
This can be surprisingly demanding, so start very light and build up first to the full range of motion under total control before increasing weight.
The QL side bend is a simple but effective method of strengthening the quadratus lumborum—an often weak and easily strained muscle of the lateral back.
The QL side bend can be done for sets of 10-15 reps/side. Use a weight that allows full range of motion at a controlled tempo—this may need to be a PVC pipe or wooden dowel initially and may never exceed a light technique barbell.