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Library  >  Trunk (Ab & Back)  >  Hip Extension Row
Hip Extension Row
AKA Hip Extension with Row, Back Extension Row

Fix the ankles in a glute-ham bench or similar with the pad on the upper thighs. Hold a barbell or pair of dumbbells or kettlebells—if using a barbell, use a snatch-width grip.
From the lowest position you can achieve with the weights hanging in the arms, perform a hip extension and complete a row at the top. Lower the weight and return to the bottom of the hip extension.
The hip extension range of motion will be limited significantly because of the weights reaching the floor. You can maintain some bend in the arms at the bottom to reduce the limitation.
The hip extension row trains the isometric back extension with an emphasis on the upper back, along with the glutes and hamstrings. It’s a way to get more work from a single exercise as well for more training economy.
Use 3-4 sets of 6-15 reps.
The tempo of the movement can be changed, a pause in the top of the row and or at the bottom can be added, and the extension can be completed and held and the row performed then rather than as a single continuous motion.