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Overhead Squat With Hanging Weights

The overhead squat is the most basic snatch receiving position exercise, and adding weights hanging from bands forces greater work to stabilize the upper body overhead.
Get the bar overhead whatever way works best for you (generally a snatch push press or snatch push jerk) and establish the snatch overhead position forcefully.
Place your feet in your squat stance, brace your trunk and stabilize overhead securely.
Squat at a controlled speed into full depth and return to standing, focusing on maintaining even balance over the whole foot and the same upright posture throughout, and not allowing the bar to move relative to your upper body at all. It can help to think of pushing straight up into the bar and following it with your body.
If you maintain the hook grip when you turn the snatch over, use the hook grip in the overhead squat. The majority of the weight should be added to the bar as usual, and additional weight hung from bands—usually 5-20kg per side is enough. Too much hanging and it becomes impossible to get the bar overhead, and for little to no additional benefit.
The overhead squat is the most basic snatch receiving position exercise, and adding bands increases the need to stabilize the overhead position, so it can be useful for lifters who tend to have excessive movement overhead in the snatch or inadequate control of the position.
Overhead squats with hanging weights should typically be done for sets of 2-5 reps—because the weight is often limited relative to a regular overhead squat, somewhat higher reps make more sense. Most often they should be performed toward the end of a workout after more speed and technique dependent exercises. They can be performed before snatches with light to moderate weights as a technique primer, or to help warm-up and stretch for the snatch. 
The most common variation includes a pause in the bottom position to further train stability, strength and balance. The overhead squat is also very commonly combined into a complex with snatch push presses or one or more snatch balances preceding it. It can also be alternated with walking 4-6 steps between squats.
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