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Pause Power Jerk
AKA Pause Push Jerk

The pause power jerk is a variation that helps train a more aggressive and complete drive, as well as improving strength, balance and consistency in the proper dip position. Relative to a pause split jerk, it can work better to reinforce a vertical dip and drive.
Stand with the heels approximately hip-width and the toes turned out, with the weight balanced slightly more toward the heels but the full foot in contact with the floor. Hold the bar in the jerk rack position and brace your trunk forcefully.
Dip by bending at the knees only with the trunk vertical and maintaining your balance to a depth of approximately 10% of your height. Brake as quickly as possible in the bottom and pause while maintaining tension throughout the legs and trunk.
After 2-3 seconds to eliminate a stretch-shortening reflex, drive directly back up aggressively with the legs to accelerate the barbell upward maximally. Work hard to stay tight to avoid sneaking in an extra dip before driving.
As you finish the extension of the legs, push the bar up and slightly back with the arms to preserve as much bar speed as possible, and quickly move the feet into your squat stance as you punch the elbows into a secure overhead position and sit into a partial squat—any depth above a parallel squat is considered a power jerk; below that is a squat jerk. Secure and stabilize the bar before recovering to a standing position with the bar still overhead.
Often the terms power jerk and push jerk are used synonymously, but I consider them two distinct exercises—the feet lift and move in the power jerk, and stay connected to the floor in the push jerk (usually using the squat stance). Otherwise the two are identical. Which is used depends on which produces better results for a given lifter; the push jerk often helps a lifter finish the drive more completely, and for that reason may be chosen as a training exercise also.
The power jerk can be a lifter’s chosen style of jerk in competition. As a training exercise, it serves weightlifters as a way to train better and higher drive on the bar, balance in the dip and drive, a more precise vertical drive, a quicker transition between the drive and the movement down under the bar, and proper movement of the bar into position overhead, all of which will improve the split jerk.
Sets of 1-3 reps are suggested with weights anywhere from 70% to the lifter’s maximum power jerk. Generally this exercise should be performed following any snatch variants and possibly before clean variants depending on what the intended emphasis of the workout is. With light weights, it can be used as a technique primer before split jerks to train a more vertical drive or higher drive, or in a complex preceding split jerks to help the lifter feel a more vertical dip and drive, a higher drive, and to avoid leaning forward into the split.

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