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Slow-Motion Jerk
AKA Slow-motion push jerk

The slow motion jerk is a basic technique exercise for the jerk to help the lifter better adjust and feel positions, balance and timing in the lift.
Begin with the feet in your squat stance because they will remain planted on the floor like a push jerk. The exercise has to be done as push jerk instead of a split jerk in order to maintain the slow speed in the motion under the bar.
Perform a push jerk at a very slow tempo, maintaining continuous tension against the bar. Focus on extending the legs completely and pushing the bar up off the shoulders before beginning to squat under. Fix it in place forcefully overhead and hold a moment before recovering.
The slow motion jerk is a basic technique or teaching exercise for the jerk to help the lifter better adjust and feel positions and balance throughout the lift.
Slow motion jerks can be used to warm-up, or as a technique primer before jerks in a training session. Work with 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps generally.

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