Exercise Library
Library  >  Trunk (Ab & Back)  >  Low Windmill
Low Windmill

Stand with a shoulder-width or slightly wider stance and hold a dumbbell or kettlebell with one arm; hold the unloaded arm straight up overhead. Keeping the knees close to straight, bend at the hips and push the hips back and toward the side opposite the raised arm, rotating the trunk to keep the raised arm straight up as you reach the weight to the floor inside the loaded side foot. Reverse the motion.
The low windmill loads the lateral trunk and hip in an awkward position to develop strength and stability in a protective manner. It offers the same trunk work as the traditional windmill without the demand on shoulder mobility and stability, and can also be loaded more heavily because of the stronger position of the weight.
The low windmill should be done near the end of training sessions for sets of 8-12 reps on each side.

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