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Clean-Grip Snatch
AKA Close-grip snatch, narrow-grip snatch

The clean-grip snatch is simply a snatch performed with a narrow grip—about the width of the athlete’s clean grip in most cases. It can be used to work on a more active and closer turnover and better control of body extension, to reduce wrist strain in times of pain or injury, or even just occasional variety for the sake of a mental break.
The narrower grip will make the bar contact the body below the hips, meaning that the athlete will need to work even harder to keep the bar close to the body and finish extending. The closer grip will also mean the bar needs to travel higher and the body needs to travel lower to fix the bar overhead.
The narrower grip significantly increases the demand on flexibility, so this exercise should only be performed by athletes who are capable of a clean-grip overhead squat.
The clean-grip snatch can be used for different reasons, such as improving turnover strength, mobility, and maintaining proximity of the bar to the body. It can also be used simply for variety, as a way to break the monotony common in weightlifting training. Finally, it can be used in cases of wrist injuries that prevent the lifter from snatching with the normal wide grip.
The clean-grip snatch is typically used as an exercise on lighter training days between heavy snatch sessions, or as a temporary substitute for snatches during a period of recovery or injury, so loads of 60-80% of snatch are common.
The clean-grip snatch is sometimes performed without allowing the bar to touch the body on its way up in order to increase the strength development of the turnover motion and verticality of extension.

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